Fall Harvest, October 25, 2011

Our Fall Harvest on October 25th was not only a time to celebrate with friends, family, and community on the bounty the VPG has worked to achieve, it was also a fundraiser to raise funds for our outdoor classroom. At our Fall Harvest was Irma Widjojo, writer of our local newspaper, Vallejo Times-Herald. She asked VPG's Garden Coordinator, Vilma Aquino, how much the VPG would need to build the outdoor classroom. Without really knowing the exact amount, Vilma replied $3,000. We didn't raise that amount at the Fall Harvest but at the end of the day, when Vilma was checking her emails, she opened up an email from an organization she and VPG volunteer, Darren Goon, had written a grant to. It read: 'Dear Ms. Aquino, I am pleased to inform you that the Garden of Success Outdoor Classroom was selected to receive a $3,000 grant from Strong Foundation...'
Can you believe it!!!

Thank you Strong Foundation!!!


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