Lose Your Lawn

Join us at the Vallejo People's Garden on Saturday, May 10th from 10am-12:30pm and learn how to lose your lawn without tearing it out. This free how-to talk and tabling event presented by Bay-Friendly Educator and Master Composter Lori Caldwell, along with a Professional Landscape Designer, will provide design and plant selection advice as well as walk you through converting your lawn without breaking your back or wallet. There will be a hands-on demonstration of sheet mulching--an innovative technique of layering materials on top of your lawn, allowing you to plant right into it. Plus, learn how you can participate in your local water agency's water conservation rebate program, which could put some green in your pocket! Everyone who attends the talk will receive a free copy of the Bay-Friendly Gardening Guide. There will be a drawing for additional garden gifts at the end of the talk. Check out many more resources for lawn conversion at www.LoseYourLawn.org